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ZEISS Service Engineer   [2012-02-15]
Description Providing professional service in installation, troubleshooting, maintenance and support of product/equipment to customer. Creating the harmonious environment. Following the strategy and achieve targets, both in company profit side and...    [阅读全文]
ZEISS Application Engineer-programming   [2012-02-15]
Description Providing professional service in off-line programming, programming debugging and fixture, probeing configuration design and software training to external and internal customers. Training employees, identifying, analysing and repairing...    [阅读全文]
ZEISS Sales Engineer   [2012-01-13]
Description -Develop and maintain customer in assigned sales region; -Achieve yearly sales target; -Deliver report for daily sales activities. Collect information together with marketing department regards marketing situation, competitors informa...    [阅读全文]
ZEISS Application Engineer-programming   [2012-01-10]
Description Providing professional service in off-line programming, programming debugging and fixture, probeing configuration design and software training to external and internal customers. Training employees, identifying, analysing and repairing...    [阅读全文]
萨瓦尼尼诚聘项目经理   [2011-08-14]
Project Manager: Location:Shanghai Education:Bachelor or above Experience:Five years or above Salary & Welfare:Negotiable Responsibility: 1, Responsible for the project management of Salvagnini sales in China 2, Commu...    [阅读全文]
萨瓦尼尼诚聘售后服务工程师   [2011-08-14]
岗位地点: 上海/广州(各两位) 工作内容: 1.负责板金冲剪、折弯和激光切割进口设备的售后技术服务; 2.设备的安装和调试; 3.设备日常使用与维护的客户培训. 岗位要求: 1.大专以上学历,机电、电气、工科专业毕业; 2.能看懂电气及液压回路; 3....    [阅读全文]
萨瓦尼尼诚聘销售经理   [2011-08-14]
岗位地点:广州 学历要求:本科 待遇:面议 工作年限:2年以上 工作内容: 1, 负责萨瓦尼尼钣金冲剪、折弯和激光切割进口设备的中国南方地区销售 2, 开发新客户,维护老客户 3, 协助中国区总部及代理商做客户销售工作 4, 支持售后工程师对...    [阅读全文]
美国施泰力招贤纳士   [2011-08-09]
J O B D E S C R I P T I O N Title: Quality Manager Report: General Manager Technical Requirements: l University Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering. l Specialization courses in Quality. l Excellent English speaking and writing...    [阅读全文]
美国施泰力诚聘销售工程师   [2011-08-09]
美国施泰力公司创立于 1880 年,是世界大型量具,测量设备及锯类产品生产厂家。公司产品种类多达五千多种,主要产品为通用量具、标准量规、光学投影仪、非接触三坐标仪、手锯片、开孔锯、带锯条、 M1 除锈润滑油等。我们的产品行销全球 100 多个国家。作为其在中国的分...    [阅读全文]
卧式铣镗床适用范围   [2011-07-14]
镗床是一种用镗刀镗削带有孔及孔系箱体、机架类零件孔加工机床、镗刀旋转为主运动,镗刀或工件一定为进给运动,一般镗床上加工孔尺寸较大,精度要求较高,且孔和孔系轴线有严格同轴度、垂直度、平行度及孔间距离要求。使用不同刀具和附件镗床上还可进行钻削、铣削、切螺...    [阅读全文]
共 160 条 计 16 页 当前显示第 11-20 条    9 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 8 :
 •  2014年第四十八期——润滑...
 •  2014年第四十七期——软件...
 •  2014年第四十六期——测量...
 •  2014年第四十五期——刀具...
 •  2014年第四十四期——机床...
 •  2014年第四十三期——DMP20...
 •  2014年第四十二期——模具...
 •  2014年第四十一期——华南...
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