

国际金属加工网 2023年07月18日

June 2023 - ANCA, a leading global manufacturer of CNC grinding machines, proudly announces the launch of its first Female Machinist Award. This prestigious accolade aims to recognise and honour the outstanding achievements of female machinists in the tool and cutter grinding industry. By promoting gender diversity and equality, ANCA is dedicated to fostering an industry that excels in every aspect.


Johanna Boland, ANCA Group Strategy & Communications Manager and member of the judging panel, says: "Recognising and celebrating the contributions of women in the tool and cutter grinding industry is a vital step towards unlocking the industry's true potential. By embracing and empowering women, we discover a wealth of diverse perspectives, fresh ideas, and extraordinary talent. ANCA is committed to shining a spotlight on these remarkable individuals, because we believe that their success fuels the success of our industry as a whole."


The Female Machinist Award is open to women of all skill levels who are actively working with ANCA technology in the tool and cutter grinding industry. We are searching for individuals who exhibit unwavering passion for their craft, demonstrate a commitment to excellence, and contribute to the advancement of the industry.


A panel of experienced professionals from the tool and cutter grinding industry will serve as judges for this award. Submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

·         Exceptional problem-solving skills to overcome challenges or obstacles during projects

·         Innovative and effective tool design

·         Demonstrated ability to think critically and find innovative solutions


·         克服挑战或障碍的卓越的解决问题技能

·         创新实用的刀具设计

·         具有批判性思维和寻找创新解决方案的能力

The winner of the Female Machinist Award will be rewarded with a fully funded ticket to attend a prominent trade show where ANCA is exhibiting. This invaluable opportunity will enable the winner to connect with industry professionals, gain insights into the latest technological advancements, and build valuable relationships.


The winner will have exclusive access to the ANCA team, including top-tier leadership, skilled engineers, and renowned product experts. The prize also comes with opportunities to network with like-minded professionals and participate in educational seminars and workshops.


If you or someone you know embodies the qualities of a talented female machinist deserving of recognition, we strongly encourage you to apply for the Female Machinist Award today!

To learn more and apply, visit (暂不可见). The application deadline is 31 August 2023



About ANCA CNC Machines

ANCA CNC Machines is a global leader in the design, manufacture, and service of advanced CNC grinding machines. With an illustrious history spanning over 50 years, ANCA is renowned for its cutting-edge technology, innovative solutions, and exceptional customer support. ANCA's comprehensive range of products includes tool grinders, CNC grinding machines, software, and automation solutions, catering to diverse industries such as aerospace, automotive, medical, and general manufacturing.




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