

国际金属加工网 2022年10月09日

德国卡尔斯鲁厄(Karlsruhe, Germany)——全球客车制造商戴姆勒卡车股份公司(Daimler Truck AG)、知识产权保护和许可先驱德国威步信息系统公司(WIBU-Systems GmbH)、工业级3D打印领航企业华曙高科(Farsoon Technologies)通过三方合作,推出革命性的3D打印汽车零部件服务在线商店,重塑了汽车零部件世界。



为了解决这一难题,“Wibu Systems”威步信息加密技术,用于确保戴姆勒零部件数据在整个过程中受到保护,并确保订购数量与实际打印数量一致。该项加密技术与华曙激光烧结设备的建造软件完美兼容,Onmiplus系统工具为3D打印设备操作员设置了允许打印的最大零件数量,这需要与华曙设备的建造软件进行通信。



目前,在全新的OMNIplus 3D打印许可证电子商店,客车运营商可以从最初的100余个零部件中选择他们需要的商品,该商品目录正在快速增长,戴姆勒客车已确定了大约40000个可3D打印的零部件,即将添加到在线商店中。客户拿到实体零部件,只需要联系距离最近的OMNIplus服务合作伙伴来处理生产流程,或者只需要一台通过认证的华曙高科3D打印设备来创建自己的迷你零件工厂。


整个购买和打印体验的设计自然流畅。客户通过OMNIplus 3D打印许可证商店购买零件,感觉就像任何在线零售商店一样,客户很少会注意到幕后发生的加密和许可证管理操作,而威步系统的CodeMeter许可证中心则在后台充当了许可证处理者和仲裁者。

华曙高科欧洲子公司总经理Dirk Simon博士表示:“该解决方案的成功源于合作伙伴之间的紧密合作,Evobus和华曙高科多年的合作确实有助于该项目的成功开发。在威步系统公司,我们找到了一个非常好的合作伙伴,我们三方很自豪能在短时间内完成该解决方案的合作开发。”

戴姆勒卡车和客车增材制造中心负责人Ralf Anderhofstadt表示:“革命性的增材制造数字版权管理系统的成功实施,意味着我们和我们的合作伙伴在数字化3D打印业务中留下了真实的印记。无论是从商业化角度还是我们经营环境的角度,这都为我们的服务运营和销售需要的产品开辟了全新的前景。”



Wibu-Systems and Daimler Buses launch a revolutionary 3D-printed parts shop

Karlsruhe, Germany – The IP protection and licensing pioneers of Wibu-Systems have teamed up with the global bus vendor Daimler Truck and the additive manufacturing specialists Farsoon Technologies to turn the automotive spare parts world upside down with a revolutionary 3D-printable parts service.


Buses and touring coaches need to keep rolling, and the rapid availability of spare parts will keep fleets on the road. That’s why Daimler Buses is revolutionizing its parts service with its Omniplus service brand: No convoluted ordering process, no need for shipping, no waiting times, but instead a flexible, 24/7 supply of spare parts from within the company. This is all made possible by the new 3D printing license shop from Omniplus, which does not need molds for series production. For the production of small batches of spare-parts, 3D printing is less costly. Moreover, there is no need to prepare the minimum amount of stock, which reduces the inventory pressure of parts to a certain extent.

To solve the data IP issue, “Wibu Systems” encryption technology is used to ensure that the data is protected throughout the process and that the ordered quantity is kept to. This encryption technology needs efficient communication with the pre-build software of the Farsoon laser-sintering machine. The Onmiplus tool gives the operator a maximum number of parts allowed to fabricate. This needs communication with the build software of the Farsoon laser-sintering machine.

In the project with EvoBus GmbH (Daimler Buses) and WIBU-Systems GmbH, the Software Engineers of Farsoon Technologies in Changsha, China, were able to implement such complex software communication in the Farsoon proprietary BuildStar and MakeStar® software. This was feasible at a reasonable time, because Farsoon is one of the few 3D-Printing machinery companies, which develop 3D printing software and launch a full set of industrial 3D printing software operating system. Farsoon 3D printing systems have a full set of independent intellectual property rights, can do in-depth communication with customers, from scanning, slicing, support and other aspects of 3D printing solutions tailored to customers,safe and controllable, flexible and fast, fully meet the demand for spare parts data encryption of Daimler Truck. As a result, Farsoon is the first brand of 3D-printing technologies enabling the licensed fabrication of spare-parts with protecting its encrypted files

Even with an efficient and organized parts service like the conventional OMNIplus operations, it takes time to order, dispatch, and ship automotive components. For commercial operators of buses and coaches, this can mean routes not serviced and revenue lost as their vehicles are sitting idle and waiting for much needed items. Daimler Buses decided to take out the middleman and let bus operators buy and make genuine, licensed parts themselves with an intelligent online store for 3D printable components. To do so, they turned to the industrial additive manufacturing professionals at Farsoon Technologies for the printing hardware and software and to the IP protection and licensing specialists Wibu-Systems to secure both the sensitive IP contained in print designs and the preprinting, printing, and billing process.

Bus operators can now go to the new OMNIplus 3D Printing License eshop and pick the items they need from an initial selection of 100 parts, which is destined to grow fast, as Daimler Buses has already identified around 40,000 potentially 3D printable parts from their back catalogue to add to the store. All the buyers need to get the physical product in their hands is either access to their nearest OMNIplus service partner to handle the process or simply a certified Farsoon Technologies printer to create their own mini-factory.

After they have made their purchase, they receive three digital items: The actual digital object data, encrypted with Wibu-Systems’ CodeMeter award-winning protection technology, and both a preprinting and a printing license. The former is needed to prepare the print job with the Buildstar® software of Farsoon Technologies, while the latter specifies exactly how many copies of the digital object they can manufacture with the Makestar® software on a certified Farsoon printer. The entire process happens under the watchful eye of CodeMeter, whose tough encryption algorithms ensure that the digital parts cannot be reverse-engineered or otherwise tampered with and whose smart tracking capabilities and integration with Daimler Buses’ SAP system guarantees that the users of the OMNIplus service can only make as many parts as they paid for and are only billed for what they really need.

The entire shopping and printing experience was deliberately designed to be as unobtrusive and natural as possible. Buying parts via the OMNIplus 3D Printing License shop feels like any online retail system, and the buyer will notice little of the cryptographic and license management operations taking place behind the scenes, while Wibu-Systems’ CodeMeter License Central works as the license handler and arbiter in the background.

For Dr. Dirk Simon, Managing Director of Farsoon Europe, the success of the solution comes from the strong cooperation between the partners involved: “The many years of excellent cooperation between Evobus and Farsoon has really helped this complex project along. In Wibu-Systems, we have found a very good partner, and all three of us are very proud to have developed this solution in record time.”

Ralf Anderhofstadt, Head of Center of Competence Additive Manufacturing at Daimler Trucks and Buses added “The successful implementation of the revolutionary AM digital rights management system means that our partners and we have made a real mark in the digital 3D printing business. This opens up completely new vistas for our service operations and for the availability of products where they are needed at the point of sale, both commercially speaking and thinking about the good of our environment.”.

The combined work of Daimler Buses, Wibu-Systems, and Farsoon Technologies has created a model implementation of the digital industry vision with all of its flexibility, agility, and ease of use. It shows its business enabling power not just for the OMNIplus service itself, but potentially also for a new generation of Manufacturing-as-a-Service providers who could begin offering the printing service on behalf of the buyers of 3D-printable products. With parts and components available anywhere in the world and around the clock and with complex and resource-intensive logistics removed from the equation, the system offers vast economic and ecological benefits.

Wibu-Systems, Farsoon Technologies, and Daimler Buses will showcase their joint solution at the additive manufacturing expo Formnext in Hall 11.1, at the D69J booth, from 15 to 18 November in Frankfurt, Germany. Stefan Bamberg, Senior Key Account and Partner Manager at Wibu-Systems, is looking forward to showing how CodeMeter can help create new Industry 4.0 business models to a wider audience: “With CodeMeter in the picture, the crew behind the OMNIplus 3D printing service and their customers can rest assured that their IP is secure, the process is protected, and the parts are genuine and safe from manipulation, even if they are produced by the users themselves – a win-win outcome all around”.

(华曙3D打印 ,作者国际市场部)

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