

——Award:Preferred Supplier of the Bosch Group

从左至右:Jochen Eichert(德国蓝帜金属加工技术股份有限公司首席执行官)、Ali Umit Huseyinoglu(罗伯特·博世股份有限公司)、Christian Lohrke(德国蓝帜金属加工技术股份有限公司)和 Köksal Yüksel(德国蓝帜金属加工技术股份有限公司)

由于认可“蓝帜金工”刀具的高档品质、迅速的交货时间、以及削减成本的创新,罗伯特·博世股份有限公司再次选择了“蓝帜金工”成为其 2015 年的首选供应商。至此,“蓝帜金工”蝉联了博世集团首选供应商的地位。2015年10月7日,博世集团在意大利米兰举办的欧洲机床展览会(世界范围内最重要的金属加工行业展会)上颁发该证书。

In recognition of our high tool quality, short delivery times and innovative ideas for reducing costs, Robert Bosch GmbH has again selected LMT Tools as a preferred supplier in 2015. LMT Tools has thus achieved preferred supplier status continuously repeatedly. The certificate was handed over by Bosch at the EMO Milano, the world's leading metal processing trade fair, on October 7, 2015.

德国蓝帜金属加工技术股份有限公司的首席执行官 Jochen Eichert解释道:“能再次获得博世公司颁发的奖项,我们感到十分自豪,这也证明了我们采用了正确的技术和战略咨询。像博世集团这样活跃在国际舞台上的高科技公司不仅需要一流的刀具技术,同时也需要在任何项目中都能迅速反应、值得信赖的合作伙伴。因此我们才在所有相关市场和地区提供蓝帜金工集团的技术和服务中心,并且扩展我们的网络,以便纳入新的经销合作伙伴。这确保了我们遍及全球的客户在其地区都能有一个主管联系人。”

"Receiving this award again from Bosch makes us proud and confirms that we are on the right track with our technology and strategic consulting" explains Jochen Eichert, CEO of LMT Tool Systems GmbH. "Globally active high-tech companies such as the Bosch Group not only need first-rate tool technology, but also a fast and reliable partner in all projects. This is exactly why we provided the LMT Tools Group with its own competence and service centers in all the relevant markets and regions and expanded our network to include new distribution partners. This ensures our customers from all over the world have a competent contact person available in their area."

About LMT Tools


LMT Tools brings together the expertise of leading specialists in precision tool technology. Their combined strengths enable LMT Tools to develop and deliver state-of-the-art tool solutions worldwide for the industrial processing of modern production materials, such as metals, plastics and composites. Its offering includes precision tools and cutting materials for a diverse range of cutting and forming applications as well as services in the areas of tool reconditioning and tool management.


The LMT Tools Group consists of the manufacturing companies LMT Belin, LMT Fette, LMT Kieninger and LMT Onsrud, as well as a globally active sales company.


LMT Tools is part of the LMT Group, a medium-sized family-owned group of companies. The LMT Group also includes Fette Compacting, the world’s leading provider of integrated solutions for industrial tablet production, and LMT Finance & Shared Services, which is responsible for providing central business functions worldwide.

Press photo:

2015 年米兰欧洲机床展览会上颁发“首选供应商证书”
Handover of the Preferred Supplier Certificate at the EMO Milano 2015

从左至右:Jochen Eichert(德国蓝帜金属加工技术股份有限公司首席执行官)、Ali Umit Huseyinoglu(罗伯特·博世股份有限公司)、Christian Lohrke(德国蓝帜金属加工技术股份有限公司)和 Köksal Yüksel(德国蓝帜金属加工技术股份有限公司)

From the left: Jochen Eichert (CEO of LMT Tool Systems GmbH ), Ali Umit Huseyinoglu (Robert Bosch GmbH), Christian Lohrke (LMT Tool Systems GmbH) und Köksal Yüksel (LMT Tool Systems GmbH)


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