

  统计过程图表数据可从Excel,Oracle,SQL Server和其他相关软件中获得。



  CHARTrunner仪表板可以定做,用在PowerPoint演示, Word文件,网页,和其他方面。
  此外, CHARTrunner创建仪表板显示关键过程的效果如何。
  指标图像(速度计,竖线,或横线)可以定做,可以用在PowerPoint演示, Word文件,网页等。

     * Microsoft Access
     * Microsoft Excel
     * SQL Server
     * Oracle
     * Paradox
     * TXT 文本文件
     * ODBC
     * ADO
如需更多信息,请访问 (暂不可见)下载演示软件。
联系电话 :卢卡.乔治 13717978084或15910317107

FEANOR CHARTrunner for easy quality data analysis
SPC charting from data in Excel, Oracle, SQL Server and more ...

CHARTrunner is a revolutionary software that generates statistical process control charts and performs Statistical process control analysis using data that is managed by other applications.
No data entry leads to faster SPC analysis.

CHARTrunner eliminates the need for importing, exporting, and tedious data entry. CHARTrunner retrieves data from other sources for SPC charting and statistical analysis, it clarifies data so that you can easily analyze it for quality improvement, even if the data was gathered for other purposes.

Process performance charts and dashboards
CHARTrunner dashboards can be customized and used in PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, webpages, and more
CHARTrunner creates control charts, histograms, Pareto diagrams, process capability studies, and other SPC charts from virtually any data source.
In addition, CHARTrunner creates dashboards to show how key processes are performing.
The indicator images (speedometers, vertical bars, or horizontal bars) can be customized and then used in PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, web pages, etc.
SPC charts from virtually any data source, it creates SPC charts, process performance charts, and dashboards from virtually any data source, including:

    * Microsoft Access
    * Microsoft Excel
    * SQL Server
    * Oracle
    * Paradox
    * text files
    * ODBC
    * ADO
    * And more

To know more visit (暂不可见)  and download a demo.
For questions call Luca 13717978084 or 15910317107

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