
Weed Instrument(USA)模块化PLC&工业总线光纤转换器

PLC&现场总线光纤转换器或称光纤modem有EOTec 2000和 EOTec 6000两种结构, EOTec 2000为35mmDIN模块式结构,由电源模块 (PSM)、电接口模块 (EIM) 以及光接口模块 (OIM) 或和自愈环模(SHR)一起组成一个光节点.所有模块在35mmDIN导轨道上通过其集成底板方便地联接组合为转换器. EOTec 6000采用机架式结构,由机架、电源、电接口卡以及光接口卡或和自愈环卡一起组成.Weed instrument的每个光节点最多可支持5个电或光接口单元.光纤modem实现铜缆到光纤网络的转换,支持点到点、链型、星形、自愈环及光中继网络拓朴结构.
EOTec 2000特性:
· Compatible with Ethernet, Profibus, ControlNet, DeviceNet, Data Highway Plus, DH 485, Genius, Remote I/O, RS-232/485
· Hazardous area approvals available
· Configurable for all network topologies
· Dual redundant power supplies
· All modules are hot –swappable
· -40°C to 85°C operation
· Diagnostic outputs
EOTec 6000特性:
· Compatible with Allen-Bradley, Modicon, GE Fanuc, TI/Siemens, Square D, Westinghouse, Reliance, RS 232/422/485
· Up to four OIMs together with any EIM can be configured into a modem to function as an active 4-port star coupler
· Supports multiple electrical drops from a single Series 6000 modem
· Optical modules available for a variety of different types of fiber
· Configurable for all network topologies
· Modular design for greater flexibility
· UL Approved power supply modules
模拟及数字量光纤转换器采用35mmDIN模块式结构,分光发送端(FOT和接收端(FOR).模拟量光纤转换器在一根光纤上可靠传输4-20mA 和0-10VDC模拟信号, 0.1%.的系统精度. 单通道数字量光纤转换器通过一条光纤传输一路触点开关信号,多通道数字量光纤转换器由2通道触点开关信号模块组合最大可提供10路CC信号传输,应用于远程开关监控、远程继电器 螺线管工作.
· Transmission of 4-20mA or 0-10VDC analog signals over a single fiber optic cable
· No calibration required
· 0.1% Accuracy
· 30dB Optical Dynamic Range
· Compatible with multi-mode or single mode optical fiber
· De-pluggable screw terminals for all wire connections
· Visible status LED’s for power, over range and under range
· Available with dual redundant, hot swappable power supplies
· Suitable for mounting on standard 35 mm DIN-Rail
· Dimensions (each module): 45 mm w x 99 mm h x 114 mm
· Transmission distances up to 5000 meters (16,400 ft.)
· Compact DIN-Rail mounting
· Dry contact input from devices such as push buttons, limit switches and relays
· Form-C relay output (UL/CSA 0.6A/125Vac 2A/30Vdc)
· Compatible with ST Fiber Terminations
· 24 Vdc powered, matching 115/230Vac power supply available
· Suitable for critical Safety Shut-Down applications
· Transmits from 1 to 10 Contact Closure signals over one fiber
· Compatible with multi-mode or single mode optical fiber
· De-pluggable screw terminals for all wire connections
· Integrated backplane with no external inter-modular connections
· Visible status LED’s for power, TX/RX and channel inputs
· Fail-Safe relay operation
· Accepts our standard power supplies
· Available with dual redundant, hot swappable power supplies
· Suitable for mounting on standard 35 mm DIN rail
· Operating range of –40 °C to 85 °C, 0-90% RH (non-condensing)
· Dimensions (each module): 22.5 mm w x 99 mm h x 114 mm d
模拟及数字信号光纤复用传输器将多至8路的RS-232/485, 4-20mA, 0-10V 和CC复用到一对光纤实现双向通讯. 35mmDIN模块式结构,只需通过Weed instrument独特的集成总线背板简单的将各信号单元模块堆叠,无需编程和外部连线,简单灵活.用于远程CC信号传输,模拟数据采集,PLC/DCS系统的光纤延伸.
· Up to 8 analog or digital signals over a pair of fiber optic cables
· Bi-directional communications
· Configurable with multi-mode or single mode optical fiber
· Pluggable screw terminals for all wire connections
· Visible status LED’s for power, TX/RX and channel inputs
· Available with dual redundant, hot swappable power supplies
· Designed for mounting on standard 35 mm DIN-Rail
· Operating temperature range of –40 °C to 85 °C, 0-90% RH (non-condensing)
· Dimensions (each module): 22.5 mm (0.9”) w x 99 mm (3.9”)h x 114 mm (4.5”) d

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