

国际金属加工网 2023年03月27日


Recently, LK Group Experimental Center obtained the official accreditation certificate issued by the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS), becoming one of the few enterprises in the industry who obtains CNAS accreditation.




What is CNAS?

CNAS stands for China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment and is the most authoritative laboratory certification management body in China. The test results of the laboratory can use the CNAS National Laboratory Accreditation Mark and the ILAC International Mutual Recognition Joint Mark within the scope of CNAS accreditation, which can be recognized nationally and internationally; CNAS is the only representative organization in China that joins IAF (International Accreditation Forum), ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation), APLAC (Asia-Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) and PAC (Pacific Accreditation Cooperation). LK Group's inclusion in the CNAS directories not only can occupy the active position in the testing or calibration market, but also obtains higher economic benefits and improves the popularity of LK Group's experimental center.



LK Group Experimental Center was founded in 2015, covers an area of 380 square meters, including 162 square meters of test site, LK Group Experimental Center currently has more than 60 sets of testing equipment. It has German SPECTROMAXx-08F desktop spark direct-reading spectrometer, Japan Olympus metallographic microscope, 30T electron universal tensile testing machine, microcomputer-controlled impact testing machine, microscopic Vickers hardness tester, convex nose Rockwell hardness tester, salt spray test box, constant temperature and humidity test box, Japan Olympus VEL handheld spectrometer, ultrasonic flaw detector and other world's top experimental equipment.


German SPECTROMAXx-08F desktop spark direct-reading spectrometer


Convex nose Rockwell hardness tester


Microscopic Vickers hardness tester


Salt spray test box


The experimental center mainly carries out the composition testing of conventional metal alloys, tensile, impact resistance and other mechanical property testing, hardness and hardening layer depth testing, metallographic structure and material internal flaw detection testing, corrosion prevention and aging testing, etc. Specific test scopes include: tensile properties test of metal materials, Charpy pendulum impact test, hardness and depth test of metal surface plating or hardening layer, metallographic structure evaluation test of cast iron, determination of non-metallic inclusion content in steel, metal average grain size test, determination of iron-copper-aluminum alloy elements, salt spray corrosion test, etc. It can effectively verify whether the parts materials are consistent with the requirements of the drawings, ensure the intensity, impact toughness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance and impact resistance of the parts, improve the stability of the machine, and extend the service life.


Tensile properties test of metal materials


Charpy pendulum impact test


Metallographic structure evaluation test of cast iron


Determination of non-metallic inclusion content in steel


LK Group continues to increase investment in R&D, and has successively carried out in-depth industry-university-research cooperation with many top universities such as Tsinghua, Beihua, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, etc., to continuously optimize scientific and technological innovation and promote the efficient transformation of new technologies and new achievements. LK obtained the CNAS accreditation certificate, which not only affirms LK's high-quality management and high-level testing technology, but also provides a solid guarantee for LK to achieve high-quality development. LK will continue to improve the quality inspection ability of the machine, strive to consolidate the service quality, better serve customers, and promote the development of the industry level.


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