

  有一种60°主偏角的粗铣刀具和两种60°主偏角的半精铣/精铣刀具。其中一种60°主偏角的半精/精加工的铣刀被设计成可较少切削力的结构以适合微量切削和薄壁零件。肯纳铣削产品经理迪姆·马歇尔(Tim Marshall)说,“由于这种铣刀具有密齿、六角形的两面可用的刀片而具有12个实打实的切削刃,我们的这种铣刀极具竞争优势的,哪怕是其它有六个或八个切削刃的刀具。”
              M750:Offer higher productivity
  Kennametal has introduced a new high-insert-density cast and ductile iron face milling program capable of high metal removal rates. The new milling cutters offer higher productivity than any other Kennametal cast iron cutters because of their high insert density. The eight-inch cutter has, for example, 28 inserts, double negative geometry, and positive rake insert topography. The new M750 Hexacut milling program is ideal for transfer lines and high-performance machining centers, such as those with CAT50 taper and larger HSK spindles. The program includes a 45 degree lead angle roughing cutter and three 30 degree lead angle cutters.
  There is a 30 degree lead angle roughing cutter and two 30 degree lead angle finishing and semifinishing cutters. One of the 30 degree lead angle finishing and semifinishing cutters is designed to provide reduced cutting pressure for lighter duty machines and thin wall parts. "All cutters in the new line offer lower tooling costs than competitive high-density cutters because our cutters use two-sided, hexagonal inserts with 12 true cutting edges, compared to only six or eight cutting edges for competition," said Tim Marshall, Milling Product Manager for Kennametal.

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