
ZEISS Service Engineer


Providing professional service in installation, troubleshooting, maintenance and support of product/equipment to customer.  Creating the harmonious environment.  Following the strategy and achieve targets, both in company profit side and personal competency. Driving customer orientation, provide valuable service and satisfying external and internal customers. Training employees, identifying, analyzing and repairing product failures, orders and replaces parts as needed. Determining and recommending products or services which fit the customers' needs mostly. Relying on instructions and pre-established guidelines to perform the functions of the job. Working under direct supervision. Reporting to the superior.

Bachelor degree in mechanics and electronics
1 year of experience in customer & Zeiss CMM service.
Knowledge and experience on CMM service.
Other skills
Able to travel frequently on domestic and international business trips
Comprehensive computer knowledge with hardware and software
Good command of written and spoken English
Good Initiative and communication


Duties and responsibilities include but are not limited to:

­ Responsible for value customer service activities associated with installation, troubleshooting, maintenance etc.
­ Self improvement and challenge constantly in soft skill and technical skill, actively participated in various activities to have development of competence in person.
­ Making recommendations for excellent customer service.
­ Developing and maintaining relationship with customers.
­ Developing communication skill.
­ Feedback to company about quality of products and marketing information in time.
­ Comply with company rules and regulations, efforts to substantially all the services the company required performance indicators.
­ Submit timely and accurately service reports, CPO, expense report and others as assigned.
­ Perform other related duties and responsibilities as assigned.
­ Report to superior
­ Perform other related duties and responsibilities as assigned

Contact email address:reruitment@zeiss.com.cn

Carl Zeiss Far East Co., Ltd.
Carl Zeiss Shanghai Co., Ltd.
HR Department
Business Unit HR Partner-HR Supervisor

Rachel , Zhang Ming (Ms.)

章 明

CN Phone :+86 21 5048 1717 * 284


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