





FUCHS Lubricants (China) Limited and DMG MORISEIKI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT have concluded a marketing partnership agreement effective from January 1, 2014 for joint marketing activities in China. 

FUCHS Lubricants has become the preferred supplier of On-the-Machine lubricants and metal working coolants for all DMG MORI machines that are sold for use in the Chinese market. 

DMG MORI’s customers can take full advantage of FUCHS’ highest lubricants technologies which have been matched to DMG MORI’s high performance machines. Additionally, DMG MORI’s customers can benefit from FUCHS Lubricants’ world-class technical service and application expertise in China. 

FUCHS’ On-the-Machine lubricants (hydraulic oils, slideway and spindle oils and greases) have been specially designed for extremely quick cycle times as well as heavy duty machining that manufacturers expect from DMG MORI’s machines. FUCHS’ metal working coolants includes the newest technology and are the products of choice of many major Chinese, International and Joint Venture manufacturers throughout China.

FUCHS Lubricants (China) has been a major lubricant and service supplier for over 25 years.  With FUCHS having two large factories, 9 regional warehouses and 13 branch sales offices with an extensive direct sales force, FUCHS can service all the needs of DMG MORI’s customers throughout China. 

FUCHS’ Lubricants (China) is looking forward to servicing DMG MORI’s customers in China, who will benefit from world-class products, application advice and service from this new partnership.


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